Don’t miss out on upcoming events about innovation in materials and their technologies. We organise discussion forums, networking activities, training programmes and technology conferences.
We also publicise the activities of the cluster’s member organisations and post our collaborations with trade fairs and congresses in the sector here.
First session of the year of the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies Working Group and visit to Cooling Photonics (Cornellà de Llobregat).
Un projecte impulsat pel Clúster Digital, Market AAD, AETech, Bee2be Tech, Acceleralia i el Clúster MAV.
Day to explore new opportunities to give a second life to polymer textile waste through circular economy projects.
A key event for the plastic industry.
The annual meeting of the MAV Cluster will include the MAV Awards as the main novelty.
Final conference of the MARBEL European project "Next Generation Battery Packs for the Automotive Industry".
First session of the year of the Circular Economy Working Group and visit to Ferimet (Celsa Group).
On the 12th and 13th of March 2025, Plastics & Rubber returns as the main meeting point of the year for the plastics and rubber industries.
In Clúster MAV we work hard to offer a differentiated value proposition to our partners in accordance with our values: commitment, excellence, collaboration, involvement, quality and trust.