Nova convocatòria POLREC: fins a 2.920 € de finançament per a PIME i proveïdors de formació

Clúster Mav,

The POLREC project has opened a new training call to promote innovative solutions in recycling and plastic waste reduction. This is a great opportunity to train or offer training and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Who can participate?

  • SMEs: access subsidized training to improve your recycling practices. Up to €1,460 per application, with a maximum of 2 applications per SME (total of €2,920).
  • Service providers: develop high-impact training programs and receive a financial contribution.
  • SMEs can request training in a maximum of 2 sub-topics or submit 2 applications in the same sub-topic for different workers.

Eligible training topics:

  • Innovative recycling methods: adoption of new processes to recycle previously unrecycled plastic or rubber waste.
  • Digital processes: implementation of digital solutions to improve quality control and tracking of recycled materials.
  • Polymer Recycling Expertise: Improving skills in regulations, certifications and quality control techniques in polymer recycling.

Application deadlines:

See the applicant guide for more information.

Don't miss the INFO DAY with more details about this unique opportunity:

Per què associar-se?

Des del Clúster MAV treballem intensament per oferir una proposta de valor diferencial als nostres socis d’acord amb els nostres valors: compromís, excel·lència, col·laboració, implicació, qualitat i confiança.

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