The ICMAB-CSIC SSC group has strong expertise in electroactive materials, nanocarbons, advanced characterization and electrochemical energy storage. Excellent facilities for testing and characterization of materials and devices are available.
The project will investigate novel electrolyte formulations in which suspensions of nanoparticles will be explored. The goal is obtaining a system with more sustainable materials, lower cost, increased safety and energy density compared with the current state of the art, the vanadium technology. This could have huge impact for the expansion of renewable energies and a decarbonized economy.
The project is in the framework of the CSIC FLOWBAT network, where some ICMAB reserachers of the SSC group participate.
Applications should include full CV and contact details for two referees available to provide reference. Deadline: April 4, 2021.
For application or further information, please contact Dr. Dino Tonti (
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