Last Thursday, October 24, the MAV Cluster's Lightweight Materials Working Group held a meeting at the Condals Group facilities, in Manresa.
Condals Group is a reference multinational that has been offering advanced technical solutions for the automotive, railway and construction sectors since 1976. The company stands out especially for its experience in nodular iron foundry, high-power tomography, machining and heat treatment.
During the meeting, attendees had the opportunity to take a guided tour of the facilities, where they were able to learn firsthand about their activity and technological capacity in the development of safety parts in ductile iron.
After a short break, the working group meeting was held. In this session, new opportunities and activities programmed by the MAV Cluster were presented, as well as upcoming collaborative projects aimed at promoting lightweight materials in different sectors.
The day continued with a potluck lunch, a space dedicated to networking and strengthening connections between group members. To close the day, the participants enjoyed a walk along the promenade that surrounds the Condals Group facilities, an initiative by the company to preserve and enhance this natural space as part of its commitment to society and the environment
The MAV Cluster would like to thank Condals Group for its hospitality and all the participants for their involvement. Collaboration and joint work continue to be key to promoting a lighter and more sustainable future.
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In Clúster MAV we work hard to offer a differentiated value proposition to our partners in accordance with our values: commitment, excellence, collaboration, involvement, quality and trust.