The MAV Cluster will celebrate the end of the printed electronics course on July 10 with the awarding of diplomas

Clúster Mav,

The MAV Cluster will celebrate the end of the printed electronics course with a closing day that will take place on Wednesday 10 July at the TecnoCampus in Mataró. It will be an evening in which diplomas will be awarded to the students of the course, a total of 61: 43 company workers, 14 students, one individual and three unemployed people.

It will be a day focused on networking between course participants in order to help them establish collaborations and implement printed electronics in the participating companies, as well as helping unemployed students to orient them professionally towards this technology.

The day will have the participation of an invited company that will present a case of application of printed electronics in the industrial sector: Ona Labs. The presentation will be given by Xavier Muñoz, co-founder and scientific director of this pioneering company in the development of non-invasive, real-time and personalized data remote health monitoring solutions.

The printed electronics working group of the MAV Cluster will also be presented and a visit will be made to the Tech Lab and the printing area of the TecnoCampus.

The event is free and exclusive for participants in the 2024 Printed Electronics training course and members of the MAV Cluster.

The training course in printed electronics, which took place between March and July this year, was the training offer with which the MAV Academy opened this academic year.

During the course, the focus has been on knowledge of electronics, from materials and different printing techniques to the application of technology and guidance for personalized implementation for each student. In addition, the students have had the opportunity to visit five centers in order to put into practice the content of the training.

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