The MAV Cluster participated in the Cluster Day 2024, organized by ACCIÓ, which took place on Tuesday, December 10 in Girona. The event, which brought together more than 200 companies and organizations, focused on the importance of purposeful business growth, highlighting the role of clusters as catalysts for innovation, internationalization and positive impact on the environment.
During the day, both organic and inorganic growth strategies were explored, emphasizing aspects such as innovation, talent management, strategic alliances and financing diversification.
One of the highlights was the intervention of Michael Enright, an expert in growth and business strategy. Enright stressed that "clusters are successful if the companies that are part of them do well, as they are the basis of everything", reinforcing the role of clusters as a driver of business progress.
Cluster Day stands as an exceptional platform for sharing knowledge and establishing new synergies.
In Clúster MAV we work hard to offer a differentiated value proposition to our partners in accordance with our values: commitment, excellence, collaboration, involvement, quality and trust.