B2B virtual event to to give the opportunity to clusters and companies to meet and find future European partners.
In the framework of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region's presidency of the Four Motors for Europe, economic actors - competitiveness centers, clusters, companies - and representatives of the four Regions and Wales, as an associated partner, met in Belgium on 23-24 November 2022 on the theme of Green Chemistry, advanced materials and recycling of plastics.
Following this economic mission, the 6 gathered regions of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Lombardy, Catalonia, Baden Württemberg, Flanders and Wales decided to organise a B2B virtual event on January 16th & 17th, 2023 to continue the undertaken discussions and to give the opportunity to clusters, companies and other economic actors to meet, exchange and possibly find your future European partners!
You have not been able to join the mission on November? Do not miss this virtual opportunity to discover the economic actors of each region !
Registration and participation are FREE !
16 de gener de 2023
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